Thursday, October 30, 2008

Happy Halloween!

My talented husband the surgeon's crafty creation from last year :)

Play group/halloween party/birthday party

Fun was had by all this morning as we dressed our little kiddies in their costumes for our weekly playdate. And since Zaiah has no friends here (well, I guess she kind of does now) I took advantage of the play group to have a cake and call it a birthday party. At least it will look good on pictures when she's older, lol. Friends, cake, a few gifts...what else do you need?!
Incase you could'nt tell, Ella and Zaiah are disco Barbie! Poor little Zaiah has been sick all week but she made her best effort to be a party girl.

Happy Halloween!!!!

Wednesday, October 29, 2008


Well now i'm counting down to NZ.

Sure, it was beautiful this morning when we woke up and everything was covered in a beautiful blanket of snow (15-20cmm to be more precise) but where did it come from?! I had no idea we were getting it. So as beautiful as it is, the first time you see it, it is not so fun to have to go running around gathering up hats, mitts, scarfs, snowpants, boots etc. for all three of us to get out the door for 8:45am and get in traffic to drive Ella to school.
As a parent, this chore that comes with winter, ruins a lot of the joy that was once there as a child.
Two months exactly until we are out of this stuff and back on the beach :-)
The girls of course were delighted to see the wintery wonderland that had developed overnight. They couldn't get outside fast enough. So cute. Zaiah especially. B/c she's just turning two its like she's seeing it for the first time.
Her b-day is on saterday and we are having a halloween/b-day celebration play group here at the house tomorrow. I will post pic's :)

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Lori's post- My Husband is Holding Me Back

My friend Lori is a brilliant writer/blogger and a wonderful mentor and I wanted to share one of her posts that I enjoyed reading and know a few who could definitely relate to the topic. She loves feedback and other questions that she can answer so you can check out her site on the sidebar of my blog, enjoy.

How do I deal with bitterness and resentment towards my husband? I want so many things and he doesn’t seem to want any of them? I feel like he is standing in the way of my dreams.

Jason and I have been married for 13 years. And many many times over the years I have felt angry about the way things were. I didn't like this or I didn't like that... the having kids issue was a huge one but there have been many others. A great practical tool that has helped me get through these times is the book... The Power of a Praying Wife by Stormy Omartian. When I find myself, bitter, angry, resentful about something that is happening in our marriage I begin praying through that book. And every single time without fail my heart towards Jason begins to change. As I pray for him in every area of his life my eyes are changed and I see my own struggle instead of seeing him as the problem.

You will have everything you desire. But give your desires to the Lord. When I say give them I literally mean give them up... let go of them... trust your God with your very heart's desire. Lay it down as a sacrifice of love and trust that He knows what you need. Every time I have really ached for something in my life I have only received it after a point of surrender. And let me warn you... after surrender before the fulfillment, comes a season of grief. You will grieve the loss of the dream you allowed to define you. That doesn't mean you will never see the dream come true but you stop trying to make it happen and trust that God's plans are even greater than yours.

This is not an easy process... you will probably cry a lot... you probably already have... Letting go is very hard... but letting go is the key to your freedom. Trust Him... He is worthy of your trust... He loves you more than life.

Believing that your husband or anyone else for that matter is holding you back from your purpose is a lie from the pit of hell. No one can stand in the way of God’s purposes in your life. No one can be an obstacle to your destiny except for you. I think what happens to us more often than not is we think a certain path is our purpose or destiny and there are people standing in the way of that path but if we really seek the Lord we might find that God wants to do something different.

We must not look so much at the task or job we are doing but focus on being the person God created us to be while doing the task or job we are doing. When we allow God to fashion and mold us into the person He wants us to be, no matter what we do we will find fulfillment and significance.

Are you allowing obstacles to stand in your way?

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Lot's of mileage

We have just arrived back from driving through the rockies from Creston BC to Calgary. Sooooo beautiful. It was my first time and it was hard to stay on the road with all that beauty to look at. I will be posting some pic's as soon as I get home.
Here is the total of our travel's so far. London-Ottawa 7hours, Ottawa-Calgary 4 hours, Calgary Red deer 1 1/2 hours, Calgary-Creston 7 hours, Creston-Spokane washington 2 1/2 hours and then back to Creston same day and now today Creston-Calgary 7 hours. We still have our flight back to London to go, wahooo. Our mini tour of Canada has been lot's of traveling and sitting still for the girls but they are so great about it. We've been having a great time visiting family and catching up with old friends!! Enjoying some needed R&R.

Friday, October 17, 2008

playing catch-up

Its been so long since i've written on here, well since i've had anything interesting to write really :)
So let's start with thanksgiving. I'd love for you to email me or comment on here and tell me what you were especially thankful for this year. Besides the obvious. What thing stands out to you that in the last year, big or small, that you are really thankful for?
I love thanksgiving. I love taking that time to reflect and the fact that we celebrate it. I also love turkey!!!! This year, I am especially thankful for Darryl and I getting through his 5th and final year of residency and being blessed with the job we were praying for. And also the many way's that our leaving Ottawa was able to reveal to us the many great deep friendships we have cultivated in the time we lived there. In what was our hardest year was also one of our most memorable.

We have been doing a little traveling over the holiday's as well. We were able to head back for a very quick whirlwind visit to Ottawa over thanksgiving to attend a wedding. I apologze to any of you reading this that we were not able to visit with. It really was a quick visit. And then the girls and I flew out on monday to Calgary to visit with family, and so far we were also in red deer, and drove to Creston BC yesterday for a weekend visit with more family.

Hope you had a great thanksgiving!!! Keep in touch :)